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America’s greatest days lie ahead.

This is a steadfast belief, an intrinsic principle serving as the foundation for American exceptionalism.

Principles, though, cannot defend themselves. Our destiny as a great nation depends on the advocacy of its citizenry to defend and promote the ideals that made America the greatest nation in history. America’s greatness and its potential continue to be tested by the expansion of government bureaucracy, an assault on free enterprise, and challenges to America’s defense of freedom and democracy around the globe.

American Encore is dedicated to helping our nation and its leaders rise to the test and to confront these challenges. American Encore will defend freedom, promote free markets, work to expand economic opportunity, and make the case for the American ideals of liberty and democracy, both at home and abroad.

In doing so, we can ensure the next century is America’s best yet.


Sean Noble - President

Sean Noble is president and founder of American Encore. He is a long-time political and policy strategist and a pioneer in independent expenditure campaigns.

Sean worked for a decade as Chief of Staff for Congressman John Shadegg (R-AZ), and along the way he became the go to campaign advisor for conservatives and conservative issues from his home state of Arizona to Washington, D.C. He is an expert in messaging, strategy, and tactics in the policy and political arena. Sean has managed both state-based and national issue advocacy campaigns and managed independent expenditure efforts for President, U.S. Senate, Governors, and Congress. He has also managed candidate campaigns for Congress, U.S. Senate, Governor, and ballot initiatives.

He is the co-host of the leading political commentary podcast in Arizona, Light Beer Dark Money – www.lightbeerdarkmoney.com.

He is a founding partner of DC London, Inc., an award-winning consulting firm, a partner with A2P, a digital analytics firm, and a partner with Compass Strategies, a public affairs firm in Phoenix.

Noble resides in Phoenix with his wife, Elissa, and their three children. He also enjoys spending time with his five other children.

It's Time for an American Encore