FEC Democrats' Plan to Censor Internet Will Only Bolster Moneyed Interests

FEC Democrats' Plan to Censor Internet Will Only Bolster Moneyed Interests
By: Sean Noble, President-American Encore
Democrats on the Federal Elections Commission have begun the process of monitoring speech and press on the internet in order to supposedly tackle the issue of “too much money in politics.” The claim is that powerful corporations and rich “fat cats” are anonymously influencing elections through support of various blogs, news sites, and video publications online.
The internet has turned the entire political dynamic in the United States on its head. People now have access to an unlimited wealth of information about every topic pertinent to policymaking. They don’t have to wait for an elected official or the mainstream media to explain an issue through the lens of his or her opinion or position of political expediency. Voters can instead form their own educated opinions on issues and access relevant information without a biased middleman. This is great for our democracy, but liberals fear unfiltered information because their policies are so unpopular.
Read the full column here via Townhall.