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The southern border of the United States is in crisis. Every day, thousands of men, women, and children pour across, surrender to law enforcement, and most are released into the heartland of the country. These crossings are just the tip of the iceberg of this issue.

In addition, thousands of “gotaways” enter the country under the shroud of secrecy. Law enforcement has no idea how many are coming into the nation, or who they are, or what their motives are. These individuals could be suspected terrorists, gang members, or criminals. 

The lack of border security is also directly linked to our country's growing drug epidemic, including massive problems with fentanyl. Just two milligrams of fentanyl can be deadly, and enough is being smuggled over the border to kill entire cities within America. Our families and schools are being infested with these dangerous drugs thanks to the open border.

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are directly responsible for our open border. They inherited a border that was becoming more secure and stable due to the strong policies of former President Donald Trump. Yet, due to their rollback of those policies, inaction, and empowerment of international cartels, the border is likely more open, chaotic, and dangerous than ever before. 

Americans deserve leaders in every branch of government who will stand up for our laws and secure our border. Democrats, led by Biden and Harris, have proven repeatedly that they will endanger the lives of their citizens by allowing this open border madness to persist and intensify. In November, we have that opportunity to send a message that border security is not negotiable. For the future and safety of our nation, we must secure our border!

It's Time for an American Encore