Protect Free Speech

American Encore believes nothing is more sacred to our democracy than the protection of free and unfettered speech in all its forms. Our organization proudly stands up for the rights of all Americans to be heard, including all those who wish to speak anonymously. We will fight for the Constitutional right of every American to get involved in the political process and present an idea or a policy that is judged on its merits.

At colleges and universities across the country there are designated “free speech zones.” College administrators limit political speech and activity to one area. As Virginia Postrel explains : A "free speech zone" is a tiny portion of campus, usually far away from the main thoroughfares, where students are allowed to hand out leaflets or hold protests and rallies only after they have filed the proper paperwork and given plenty of notice.
Following the record-breaking 150,000 comments sent during the public commenting period when the IRS announced proposed rules that would limit free speech for tax-exempt groups, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen announced that they may rewrite these rules. From USA Today : "In all likelihood we will...


It's Time for an American Encore