fbpx Blueprint | American Encore


American Encore is excited to present Blueprint for 2015: Setting the Stage for the Next Session. This policy document is a comprehensive assessment of the state of federal economic policy across six key categories, broken up into chapters in Blueprint , covering Jobs, Federal Spending, Regulation...
By: Patrick Hedger-Policy Director, American Encore Great news: Today, the House of Representatives passed a repeal of the Medical Device Tax put in place under ObamaCare! The vote passed by a wide margin, enjoying broad bi-partisan support. Forty-six Democrats were a part of the 280 votes to...
By: Patrick Hedger, Policy Director-American Encore Earlier this year, our organization American Encore, an organization dedicated to the cause of ensuring that the 21 st Century is an American century as well, released an extensive document entitled Blueprint for 2015 . The Blueprint contained a...
By: Patrick Hedger, Policy Director-American Encore An excerpt from the book Blueprint for 2015: Setting the Stage for the Next Session. Click here to message your Senator and demand they Kill the Death Tax. Most are familiar with some variation of the phrase, “There are only two certainties in...
By: Patrick Hedger, Policy Director-American Encore Excerpt from Blueprint for 2015: Setting the Stage for the Next Session The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) is a federal government mandate designed to incorporate an increasing amount of fuels derived from non-fossil fuels sources, primarily...
For the past six years, America has been governed through dishonesty and deception and without regard for the economic welfare of our future generations. There is no better example of this than President Obama's signature legislation, the Affordable Care Act, better known as ObamaCare: It has been...
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