
Ask Rand Why

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has made his name by challenging the Washington establishment. This has so much so defined Senator Paul that his campaign for the presidency has launched under a banner that reads in part, “Defeat the Washington Machine.” Yet a vote cast by...

Today American Encore is announcing its membership in a coalition of 56 leading national conservative groups against the reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank of the United States. The Ex-Im Bank is a New Deal-era policy that is simply another avenue for the federal government to pick winners and losers in the market. American Encore believes allowing the Ex-Im Bank's charter to expire is...

By: Patrick Hedger, Policy Director-American Encore

The Death Tax imposes a 40 percent tax on all the assets of a person upon their death. This is not a cash tax. It taxes the property and businesses someone has built throughout their entire life. Thus, this policy ends up destroying small businesses, the precious engines of entrepreneurship and innovation in our economy.


Our tax code is over 70,000 pages long. The high tax rates Washington imposes on personal and corporate income are self-defeating, raising less revenue and destroying economic opportunity. Meanwhile, Congress carves out special exemptions for the rich and powerful.

History shows that lower and simpler taxes increase economic growth and end up raising more revenue. 


It's Time for an American Encore