

I rarely watch television in the morning, so the first indication that something was wrong was a call from one of my colleagues in the Congressman John Shadegg’s D.C. office. I turned on my TV just minutes before the second plane...

With shocking developments involving the weather, DACA, and statues, the media doesn’t have much interest in covering anything else. Fortunately, tax reform is breaking through and getting some much-needed attention.

The current tax code is more than 70...

Do members of Congress think they have less than 50 employees? They must, since Congress is considered a “small business” when it comes to healthcare. That’s right, even though it has thousands of employees Congress is exempt from the job-killing ObamaCare rules and regulations pushed on every other employer with more than 50...

We all know Democrats have lost every special election since Donald Trump took office. Now that things have had a chance to sink in, it’s important to look at why.

Right off the bat was Kansas 04, the House of Representatives seat formerly held by CIA Director Mike Pompeo.  The Republican candidate won by more than seven points. Next up was Montana’s at-large House seat, vacated when...

American Encore has proudly joined a coalition of 55 other conservative organizations in a call for the Senate to swiftly confirm Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.  Judge Gorsuch is a superbly qualified nominee who understands the role of a judge is to neutrally apply the plain meaning of the law to cases, not to legislate from the bench by foisting his own personal views on the country.  It'...

It's Time for an American Encore