
By: Patrick Hedger - Policy Director, American Encore

Washington Post opinion columnist Dana Milbank wrote a piece in response to the findings of a recent Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll which attempts to rationalize the poll’s...

By: Patrick Hedger – Policy Director, American Encore

The minimum wage is a matter of basic economics trapped in contentiousness by our universal sense of compassion.  In this debate, there is one point, in my view, that is not subject to question. Americans are an exceedingly compassionate people. Completely in spite of our diversity at every level, Americans are united by a fervent...

Part 2: Energy Security
By: Patrick Hedger, Policy Director-American Encore


This past week the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) held a series of hearings across the country in regards to the agency’s recently proposed regulation targeting national carbon emissions. However,...

"This isn’t the latest glitch. This is ObamaCare finally getting out of its own way and proceeding to wreak its designed havoc on Americans’ healthcare with higher costs and diminished choice.”

Last week, the Kaiser Health Tracking Poll for July found that the Affordable Care Act, better known as ObamaCare, is more unpopular than ever before with the American people. The poll...

Part 1: The Economic Impact of the Clean Power Plan

By: Patrick Hedger, Policy Director-American Encore

This week the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) held a series of hearings across the country in regards to the agency’s recently proposed regulation targeting national carbon emissions. However,...

It's Time for an American Encore