
Obviously, the order in which the amendments in the Bill of Rights appear does not give any one admendment supremacy over another. That being said, it is safe to assume that since the founding fathers incorporated Freedom of Speech into the First Amendment, they obviously found it of the utmost importance to the survival of our republic. Yet despite what could not be a clearer enumeration, the...

Today the House Committee on Ways and Means announced that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), has claimed to have “lost” three years of emails from disgraced official Lois Lerner due to a computer glitch. Conveniently, the misplaced emails are from the same time period when targeting of conservative and tea party groups was occurring under Lerner’s watch.  American Encore President Sean Noble...

Syndicated columnist Michael Barone has a piece in which he gives praise to a book that argues America, and the western welfare state model generally, is coming very close to the day in which its impossible financial obligations dramatically outweigh its ability to pay for them.  The weight of our debt is seemingly only surpassed by the short-sightedness and passivity of our politicians.  ...

In a recent interview with Ezra Klein of Vox, Nancy Pelosi was asked about Obamacare and the upcoming election.  As American Encore and American Commitment noted last week, the issue is a loser for Democrats.  Americans know that...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                          May 20, 2014                                                                     Washington, D.C.—American Commitment and American Encore—national advocacy organizations committed to freedom and free markets—are joining forces to launch a hard-hitting new ad campaign targeting Democrats for their...
It's Time for an American Encore