Clinton Uses Cover of Pope Francis To Announce Keystone XL Position

Clinton Uses Cover of Pope Francis To Announce Keystone XL Position
Yesterday, at almost the exact same time Pope Francis's plane touched down at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland to begin his historic trip to the United States, former Secretary of State and leading Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton announced her position on the Keystone XL pipeline project. In what can only be seen as a desperate attempt to shore up support amongst a Democratic base which is drifting further and further left towards leaders like socialist Senator Bernie Sanders, Mrs. Clinton announced her opposition to the project. This is despite the fact that the very same State Department which she lead for four years found there to be no discernable adverse environmental impact of the project. American Encore Policy Director Patrick Hedger offered the following statement on the matter:
"Within minutes of Pope Francis landing in the United States, a miracle occurred: Hillary Clinton took a position on the Keystone XL pipeline after 7 years of ambiguity. The Pope's arrival and the timing of Hillary's announcement are no coincidence, as the former Secretary of State was clearly using the major event to ensure her tack hard-left to appease the Democratic base received as little coverage as possible. This is no surprise, as the vast majority of Americans completely disagree with her new position on the pipeline issue. While this type of cowardly govern-by-distraction move is typical of the Clintons, and frankly the last 7 years, it's the last thing Americans need in our next president. We need a leader with bold ideas and the courage to stand behind them, not someone afraid of environmental radicals who has to hide behind the aura of popular foreign leaders."