
By: Sean Noble, President-American Encore

Democrats on the Federal Elections Commission have begun the process of monitoring speech and press on the internet in order to supposedly tackle the issue of “too much money in politics.” The claim is that powerful corporations and rich “fat cats” are anonymously influencing elections through support of various blogs, news sites, and video...

In addition to rolling back disasters like ObamaCare, Republicans should look at the next two years as a public relations battle, not just a legislative battle. Some on the right have said nothing short of a repeal of ObamaCare is good enough. However, there is a case to be made for small victories.

Financial guru Dave Ramsey often talks about the “Debt Snowball” principle. Rather than...

American Encore is excited to present Blueprint for 2015: Setting the Stage for the Next Session. This policy document is a comprehensive assessment of the state of federal economic policy across six key categories, broken up into chapters in Blueprint, covering Jobs, Federal Spending, Regulation, Energy, Healthcare, and Taxes.

Following each assessment are legislative...

For the past six years, America has been governed through dishonesty and deception and without regard for the economic welfare of our future generations. There is no better example of this than President Obama's signature legislation, the Affordable Care Act, better known as ObamaCare:


It has been critical for conservatives to stand in ardent opposition to ObamaCare and other...

This year's Super Bowl provided not only a stage for the best teams in football, but also an opportunity to show that for free enterprise to flourish government must get out of the way. American Encore President Sean Noble explains:

It's Time for an American Encore