

“By refusing to disclose the scientific data used to justify some of the most expensive and economically impactful rules in US history, the EPA is not only entitling themselves to their own facts, but also their own definition of ‘fact’ itself… If Americans are to be subject to the burden of EPA regulations, then the EPA ought to be equally subject to the burden of truth.” –...

By: Patrick Hedger -Policy Director, American Encore
**(UPDATE 11/19/2014): The measure failed to clear a cloture vote in the Senate by one vote, 59-41 with a 60 vote threshold. Cloture allows for debate to end and for a bill to proceed to a simple majority vote. In effect, Democrats filibustered the Keystone XL bill.

Statement by American Encore Policy Director...

By: Sean Noble- President, American Encore

American Encore commissioned a likely voter statewide poll conducted by the polling company. (Full poll attached)

The poll shows that Republicans are in a strong position to win the top statewide offices on November 4.

Here are the current numbers:


Ducey                         42%


By: Sean Noble - President, American Encore

As early voting begins in Arizona, Doug Ducey is in a strong position to be elected the next Governor of Arizona.


Here is the current match up based on a live dial survey of 600 likely voters:

Ducey - 46%

DuVal - 37%

Hess - 5%

Undecided - 10%

Ducey's vision for a Arizona's future is resonating...

By: Patrick Hedger -Policy Director, American Encore

This November, with Governor Jan Brewer up against her term limits, Arizonans will be electing a new governor, and with that, have an important choice to make. Choice defines our democratic government here in the United States, but choice is also what drives our economy. Americans choose which investments and purchases best...

It's Time for an American Encore