
Today the DC Circuit Court of Appeals struck a major blow to the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) by ruling against the Obama administration in the case Halbig v. Burwell.

The crux of ObamaCare is that the government offers exceptionally lucrative subsidies to individuals that purchase heavily regulated insurance coverage on government-facilitated...


The progressive movement in the United States is known for condescendingly begging their fellow Americans and the government to be “forward-thinking.” Their cries are no louder than when they insist that the government must act immediately to curb national emissions of carbon. They have been joined in their efforts now by former high-level government officials and are seeing their...

Today the Senate Judiciary Committee advanced legislation that would amend the Constitution to give Congress and state governments almost complete control over campaign contributions and independent political expenditures. The bill, Senate Joint Resolution 19, is sponsored by Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) and is cosponsored by 44 other Democratic Senators. No Republican Senators support the bill....

President Obama continues to insist that the country is better off today than when he first took office. While there are many different indicators that say otherwise, the president and his allies in Congress and elsewhere continue to point to the labor market, specifically the unemployment rate, for validation.  The latest report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has the unemployment...

It's Time for an American Encore