
Many governmental policies have wide-ranging implications, but few touch literally everything in the way that energy does.  When the price of energy rises it pushes up the cost of everything in the economy from apples to automobiles.  All goods have an energy cost associated with production, that cost is compounded by additional costs in the transportation and sale of that good or service to...

The Obama presidency is ending and in just under two months the Trump presidency will assume power.  According to the Real Clear Politics average of polls (as of November 23), an astounding 61.8% of the Americans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction.  Not surprisingly,...

The ballots are in and the votes are counted (mostly). Business mogul/reality T.V. star Donald J. Trump will serve as our country’s 45th president. 


American Encore would like to congratulate President-elect Trump. When he’s sworn in on January 20th, we hope he hits the ground running on our nation’s most pressing issues: the national debt; tax and regulatory reform; and health...

American Encore has proudly joined a coalition of over 50 other organizations in opposition to the continued bailout of the disastrous Obamacare law.  The Obama administration is attempting to circumvent Congress and inappropriately use funds to alleviate the substantial losses insurance companies are facing under the law.  It's time for Congress to stand with the American people against the...

American Encore has proudly joined a coalition of 32 other organizations in opposition to appropriations bills in the upcoming lame duck session of Congress.  Senators and Representatives who have been rebuked by the voters and are on their way out the door should not decide the spending levels of the government or be given a chance to extend corporate welfare to favored groups.  The current...

It's Time for an American Encore