
By: Patrick Hedger-Policy Director, American Encore

When you hear the term “small business,” what comes to mind?

If your answer isn’t “The United States Congress,” prepare to be shocked and likely infuriated.

In order to avoid some of the more unsavory impacts of the Affordable Care Act, better known as ObamaCare, Congress certified itself as a small business with only 45...

By: Patrick Hedger-Policy Director, American Encore

Great news: Today, the House of Representatives passed a repeal of the Medical Device Tax put in place under ObamaCare! The vote passed by a wide margin, enjoying broad bi-partisan support. Forty-six Democrats were a part of the 280 votes to...

In an apparent violation of law and a blatant violation of the intent of the Constitution, federal tax dollars are being used by the Obama administration to help activists lobby for tax increases, product bans, and other rules and regulations on the local level. Most of these efforts are attempts to expand the nanny state through strict local regulations and taxes on certain foods, alcohol,...

By: Patrick Hedger-Policy Director, American Encore

Any day now the Supreme Court is set to hand down its decision on King v. Burwell, a case that challenges the legality of billions of dollars worth of federal tax subsidies handed out to millions of people who signed up for health insurance on the federal exchange under ObamaCare.

The case stems from the fact that...

By: Patrick Hedger, Policy Director-American Encore

Earlier this year, our organization American Encore, an organization dedicated to the cause of ensuring that the 21st Century is an American century as well, released an extensive document entitled Blueprint for 2015. The Blueprint...

It's Time for an American Encore