
*American Encore President Sean Noble says that the Democrats’ “Orwellian” proposal “is exactly the kind of egregious power grab that the founding fathers wrote the First Amendment to serve as a protection against.”*

Today, we all paused to reflect and remember the tragic events of September 11th, 2001, a day that united us all and reminded us that, despite our...

Congress has heard the growing discontent of the American people with their job performance, manifesting itself in what is shaping up to be a dismal year for Senate Democratic incumbents. Yet, Senate leadership, instead of listening to the people and doing a better job, has decided to focus their attention on simply silencing the people.

Instead of taking up and allowing votes on one of...

By: Patrick Hedger - Policy Director, American Encore

When the government’s IT infrastructure for the Affordable Care Act, better known as ObamaCare, went into a nearly instantaneous melt-down upon launch, there were countless glaring issues pointed out by experts with what the government had constructed. Yet one of the most serious issues with, the ObamaCare...

By: Patrick Hedger - Policy Director, American Encore

Most of us are familiar with some variation of the phrase, “There are only two certainties in life: death and taxes.” (Some have comically pointed out that such a grouping is an insult to death.) However most Americans are probably not aware that a combination of the two exists. The Estate Tax, also known as the death tax as...

By: Patrick Hedger - Policy Director, American Encore

If you ask the average American today what country is largest producer of oil, most would probably name a Middle Eastern country like Saudi Arabia or some might even say Russia. If you asked them this question just a couple of months ago they would probably be right. Today they are totally wrong. It may surprise many Americans that...

It's Time for an American Encore