
American Encore has joined with 17 other organizations in opposition to a newly proposed Department of Education rule.  This proposed rule would allow students to seek tuition debt forgiveness at taxpayer expense if the schools made a "substantial misrepresentation." This overly broad and vague language could cost taxpayers tens of billions of dollars.  The coalition's letter to the Department...

Stories on mass transit have appeared in the media lately that at first glance are not connected but when taken together illustrate important differences in how government and the private sector approach economic development.  All politicians like to have their names attached to so-called public works programs and transportation is especially susceptible.  It is an opportunity to stand before...

The political left has a habit of decrying the supposedly free market capitalistic American healthcare system.  They allege the system costs too much, leaves people out on the street and is ruled by profit-driven insurance companies.  They argue Americans would be better off adopting a European model.


Setting aside the validity of their American criticisms, it’s troubling how...

We live in a rapidly evolving world in which all of us carry in our pockets little computers that allow us to interact in ways never before imagined.  The reason we’ve had this great acceleration in innovation and technology is largely that it all happened too quickly for the regulators to stop it.  But that doesn’t mean they aren’t trying after the fact.


Nothing personifies...

Politicians seeking election often solicit votes by offering goods or services with the promise that someone else will pay for them.  That these "free" things might not be financially feasible is a sign, not that the promises are impossible, but that the "rich" are too greedy.  In the media or on the campaign trail voters hear how "the rich" need to pay their "fair share."  Rhetoric about "...

It's Time for an American Encore