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Pelosi Admits ‘Repeal or Retain’ Obamacare is a Losing Issue

Pelosi Admits ‘Repeal or Retain’ Obamacare is a Losing Issue

May 29, 2014

In a recent interview with Ezra Klein of Vox, Nancy Pelosi was asked about Obamacare and the upcoming election.  As American Encore and American Commitment noted last week, the issue is a loser for Democrats.  Americans know that Obamacare is not working and, more importantly, it is not improving the quality of health care. 
When asked what would improve Obamacare, Pelosi said, “Of course, I wanted the single payer.”
Not only does she reveal the Democrats desire for total government take over of health care, but it shows how completely tone-deaf they are to the recent disgrace of one of the three single payer systems in the U.S. – the VA.
From Ed Morrissey in The Fiscal Times:
The VA, however, was supposed to be different. Slate’s Timothy Noah wrote in 2005, “socialized medicine has been tried in the United States, and it has been proven superior to health care supplied by the private sector.” New York Times economic analyst Paul Krugman wrote a series of columns over the last several years extolling the single-payer VA system.
The actual evidence transforms that argument from an endorsement to a warning flag.
If health care “reform” continues to move in the direction of greater government control and fewer consumer choices, then Krugman may be right that this is “the true future of American health care.” That’s the best argument of all for ending single-payer systems in the U.S., and getting the federal government out of the health care management industry.
Democrats can’t win on “Repeal or Retain.”  They have no credibility on the “fix it” claim, given they were the ones who claimed “if you like your plan, you can keep it.”  Millions of Americans know the truth after losing their plans. 
In reality, Democrats want to double-down on government takeover of your health care.  As Pelosi said, their only “fix” is to put every American in a system like the VA’s.  
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