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Return America to Greatness

America's destiny depends on the advocacy of its citizenry to defend and promote the ideals that made America the greatest nation in history. American Encore is dedicated to helping our nation and its leaders rise to the test and to confront these challenges. We will defend freedom; promote free markets; work to expand economic opportunity and make the case for the American ideals of liberty and democracy, both at home and abroad.

President Obama delivered his 2015 State of the Union address this week. American Encore's leadership took time to respond to the comments and proposals offered by the president. Watch the two video responses here. President Sean Noble: Policy Director Patrick Hedger:
American Encore has chosen Arizona as its 2015 case study for conservative reform. This week Arizona Governor Doug Ducey unveiled his FY 2016 budget . Watch this video to learn more about how Governor Ducey is prioritizing Arizona's commitments.
Today newly sworn in Arizona Governor Doug Ducey delivered his State of the State address to the Arizona Legislature. In it, Governor Ducey laid out his specific policy proposals for the upcoming year. American Encore President Sean Noble reacted with the following statement: “Governor Doug Ducey...
Statement by American Encore President Sean Noble on the Inauguration of Doug Ducey as Governor of Arizona: "Today marks a bright day for Arizona as Doug Ducey becomes Governor. His pledge to be the Governor of all the people and his vision to provide opportunity for all Arizonans is exactly the...
Today the Obama administration announced that it is beginning the process of normalizing relations with the Castro-lead government in communist Cuba. While we believe the United States should seek to engage in peaceful relationships and free commerce with as many countries around the world as...
By: Patrick Hedger- Policy Director, American Encore The last several years in Washington have been defined by the lack of compromise. No where is this polarization between liberals and conservatives more apparent than in the debate over the roll of environment regulation. Since the Obama...
By: Patrick Hedger -Policy Director, American Encore 11/18/2014 **(UPDATE 11/19/2014): The measure failed to clear a cloture vote in the Senate by one vote, 59-41 with a 60 vote threshold. Cloture allows for debate to end and for a bill to proceed to a simple majority vote. In effect, Democrats...
*American Encore President Sean Noble says that the Democrats’ “Orwellian” proposal “is exactly the kind of egregious power grab that the founding fathers wrote the First Amendment to serve as a protection against.”* Today, we all paused to reflect and remember the tragic events of September 11 th...
Congress has heard the growing discontent of the American people with their job performance, manifesting itself in what is shaping up to be a dismal year for Senate Democratic incumbents. Yet, Senate leadership, instead of listening to the people and doing a better job, has decided to focus their...


It's Time for an American Encore