
By: Patrick Hedger-Policy Director, American Encore

Defenders of Mesa School District’s Superintendent Michael Cowan have sought to discredit the revelation that Cowan only spends half of the district’s money in the classroom and only a dismal one-third on compensating the district’s teachers.

Yvonne Wingett Sanchez of the Arizona Republic reported that according to a Cowan...

Today marks a truly seminal milestone in American history.  Exactly 150 years ago today, on March 4, 1865, from the steps of the Capitol, the newly re-elected 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, gave what he considered his greatest speech, his second inaugural address to the nation.

Watch American Encore's latest video and tribute to Abraham Lincoln's important speech...


One need not be a member of a Jewish or a Christian faith to be familiar with the Ten Commandments. According to scripture, Moses descended from Mount Sinai with two stone tablets that were given to him by God. Inscribed on them were God’s rules for man. Ten was good enough for God. In 2013 alone, the federal government handed down 3,659.

Just like...

President Obama has officially vetoed legislation approving the Keystone XL Pipeline project. The project has waited several years for federal approval to move forward, suffering the same fate as countless other energy projects that have been obstructed by bureacratic red tape from the Executive Branch. American Encore Policy Director Patrick Hedger responded to the news with the following...

Mesa's school superintendent is not spending money in the classroom.

Instead, funds appropriated to the school district are flowing away from Mesa's students and their teachers. Nearly two-thirds of Mesa's education dollars never reach the classroom. This is a major departure from national standards and is unacceptable for Arizona students. Call Superintendent Cowan and tell him to...

It's Time for an American Encore