
Today the Obama administration announced that it is beginning the process of normalizing relations with the Castro-lead government in communist Cuba. While we believe the United States should seek to engage in peaceful relationships and free commerce with as many countries around the world as possible, especially those within such close proximity, we are concerned by...

By: Patrick Hedger- Policy Director, American Encore

The last several years in Washington have been defined by the lack of compromise. No where is this polarization between liberals and conservatives more apparent than in the debate over the roll of environment regulation. Since the Obama administration has taken office, exceptionally large...


American Encore has joined a broad coalition of 21 groups to urge state-level lawmakers to resist the Obama administration’s Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) attempt to impose carbon emission regulation through executive fiat...

American Encore President Sean Noble and Policy Director Patrick Hedger released the following joint statement in response to President Obama's announced plans to use executive action to suspend certain immigration laws:

"If President Obama proceeds unabated in granting millions of undocumented immigrants exemptions to federal law, he will be in direct violation of various protections...

By: Patrick Hedger, Policy Director- American Encore

The 2009 film "Pirate Radio" is one of my favorites. Apart from its killer soundtrack, the film tells the story of a bunch of quirky and lovable characters sick of the British government’s refusal to play rock and roll on the radio in the 1960s. Imagine that! Not playing any rock and roll in 1960s Britain, a time when...

It's Time for an American Encore