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Return America to Greatness

America's destiny depends on the advocacy of its citizenry to defend and promote the ideals that made America the greatest nation in history. American Encore is dedicated to helping our nation and its leaders rise to the test and to confront these challenges. We will defend freedom; promote free markets; work to expand economic opportunity and make the case for the American ideals of liberty and democracy, both at home and abroad.

Small businesses are the engine of the American Dream. The passion, grit, and work ethic that entrepreneurs bring to their communities form the cornerstone of free enterprise and the backbone of our economy. In the US, there are 29.6 million small businesses that employ over 57 million individuals...
American Encore is excited to present Blueprint for 2015: Setting the Stage for the Next Session. This policy document is a comprehensive assessment of the state of federal economic policy across six key categories, broken up into chapters in Blueprint , covering Jobs, Federal Spending, Regulation...

70,000 Pages

September 7, 2017
With shocking developments involving the weather, DACA, and statues, the media doesn’t have much interest in covering anything else. Fortunately, tax reform is breaking through and getting some much-needed attention. The current tax code is more than 70,000 pages long and costs our economy hundreds...


It's Time for an American Encore